Thursday, February 04, 2010

Houstonist Flickr Photo of the Day - Just waitin for a train

Just waitin for a train

Just waitin for a train
by matt.harding

Photographer's Description:

OK. This is is where I got in a little trouble with the Metro Police. It seems that taking pictures is illegal from the train platform. It is also illegal to be on the platform without a ticket.

I ended up getting a formal (written) warning. Everything ended well and I went on my way - straight away from Main Street to avoid the cop. Well the day was very cold and almost no one was on the streets. The next thing I knew I had basically walked a circle around the blocks and was back at the intersection where the platform was. It turned out the cop was still there. And to my surprise he had his bomb sniffing dog out and was sweeping the entire platform. Whether he was doing this because of me or just because he had to, I don't know.

It's a shame that these platforms are off limits for photography. Houston really doesn't have many places for street style photography. So few places that I am tempted to do it again - except from a distance ;-).

How do you feel about public photography. Is there a real reason to keep photographers off platforms, was the cop really doing his job or just hassling a photographer?

If you have a passion for Houston and photography, consider joining a whole bunch of Houston's best photographers in the Houstonist Flickr Photo Group. Each day, Houstonist chooses a Photo of the Day and if Houstonist uses your photo, submit it here.

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