Thursday, September 22, 2005

Evac 2

Here's a snap from my phone. No a real good shot of the traffic nightmare that began for the Houston Area due to the Rita Evacuation.

What a cluster.......Fourteen hours on the road, leaving at 12:30 AM, and then with daytime temps around 100, and the radiation off of the road near 120; and as far as we got was Liberty - a small town and county seat about sixteen miles away. We were running out of gas - as was everybody else, after sitting on the two lane black top that serves as an evacuation route - when we found a station that had some gas - the last one as far as I know, and only taking cash, of course - so we got some, and had a pow wow on the next course of action - go home, or head for the town of Livingston. There, you get on US 59, and head to Lufkin. 59, at that time, and still now, is a sold mass of overheated cars

The real kicker is that Rita appears to have changed it's target area, putting the evacuation route on track for a direct hit. With no guarantee, or good chance, even, of getting more gas. So, the choices came to ride it out at home, or get caught on the road. We came home. We are still going to get smacked good, and I may loose power for a few days, so I might not post for a while.

You know, Texas seemed to be doing such a better job that New Orleans and Louisiana did with Katrina, but the transportation system, something Texas has historicity ignored, has now bite us in the ass. The only place I saw any kind of law enforcment was in Dayton, where the traffice flowed well and with realativly good speed. I saw some for a bit in Liberty, but they gave up after a while, and left us to our own.

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