Monday, September 20, 2010

Christine O’Donnell and witchcraftBy Dave Granlund | September...


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via Red Lemur on 9/20/10

Christine O'Donnell and witchcraft

By Dave Granlund | September 20th, 2010


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Red Devil Lounge, the iPhone of Nightclubs

via SFist by Brock Keeling on 9/19/10


Red Devil Lounge owner Jay Siegan sent us this shot of the marquee outside his Polk Street nightclub. Well played, sir.

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Hewlett-Packard and former CEO Hurd reach truce


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Under the terms of the settlement announced after the stock markets closed, Hurd agreed to relinquish the approximately $30 million in stock he was given in his severance package.


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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Christine O’Donnell – Say No to Masturbation

Christine O'Donnell – Say No to Masturbation

Christine O'Donnell, the newly anointed Republican nominee for the U.S. Senate in Delaware, wants to save our country from masturbation. I wonder if she wants to outlaw it?

In a 1996 program on MTV, she and her SALT colleagues explained their philosophy. "Masturbation is a selfish act," said the group's marketing director. O'Donnell cautioned that anyone who masturbates is "toying with his sexuality." She concluded: "You're going to be pleasing each other. And if he already knows what pleases him, and he can please himself, then why am I in the picture?"

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Gourmet Cougars in Berkeley

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Gourmet Cougars in Berkeley

Police have gunned down a 100-pound mountain lion romping through Berkeley's Gourmet Ghetto neighborhood blocks from Alice Waters' famed Chez Panisse restaurant.

Authorities said a neighborhood resident reported the big cat to Berkeley police and firefighters around 2 a.m. Tuesday. The animal was seen roaming through residential backyards and a church playground before officers caught up with it. Police and state wildlife officials quickly deemed the animal a threat to public safety, and officers were given the OK to shoot it. An officer killed it with a shotgun at about 3:30 a.m.

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