Sunday, December 23, 2007

Jessica Simpson’s New Movie Grossed $384 on Friday!

Blonde Ambition averaged $48 per screen on Friday for a total box office of $384. Based on an $8 ticket price, that means that 6 people paid to see the movie at each of those theatres, and only 48 people went to see the movie! That’s amazing! One of the worst performances a movie has ever had.

read more | digg story

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Flight Simulator in Google Earth 4.2

"Not only did the latest version of Google Earth add Sky—it also quietly got a fabulous new flight simulator which flies a virtual airplane (either an F16 'Viper' or SR22 prop plane) from an airport and runway of your choice. To switch into flight simulator mode the first time, launch the latest version 4.2 of Google Earth (free download) and hit Ctrl+Alt+A (Mac users: Cmd+Opt+A.) Choose your plane, airport and runway and go! Well, ok, it's not quite that easy."

Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Month Of Zepcember | The Onion - America's Finest News Source

After years apart, the three original members of Led Zeppelin reunited in a triumphant concert in London on Monday. What do you think?

Scott Frederiksen, Cabinet Maker
'It was truly a concert that people will tell their grandchildren about the following weekend.'"

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Most unusual data disaster horror stories for 2007

December 06, 2007 (Computerworld Australia) -- An ant-infested hard drive and a failing parachute top a list of data disaster horror stories for 2007.

The list, provided by Kroll Inc.'s Ontrack Data Recovery unit, illustrates some of the strangest and wackiest things that people put electronic storage devices through on a regular basis.

Putting drives in the washing machine. Using oil to stop them from squeaking. These are just two examples of the user bloopers the company's engineers nominated for inclusion on the list. Remarkably, Kroll data recovery specialists were able to recover the data in both instances.

This year, Kroll's engineers said the company has seen more damaged portable devices than ever before.

One woman called to complain that she had "washed all her data away." Her USB stick had been through a cycle in her washing machine and -- surprise! -- she couldn't retrieve any data from it.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Clever Uses: Open Clamshell Packaging with a Can Opener

"Tips Team Tip your editors: Editor: Gina Trapani | Email Senior Editor: Adam Pash | Email | AIM Contributor: Kyle Pott | Email Tamar Weinberg | Email Lifehacker Shop Buy our new book! Lifehacker, 88 Tech Tricks to Turbocharge Your Day Site Meter Site Meter Lifehacker username: password: new user? « || next » Clever Uses Open Clamshell Packaging with a Can Opener can-opener 1.pngThe gift-giving season is upon us, and that means the battle between you and the stubborn plastic clamshell packaging standing between you and your new gadget is in full swing. Reader Karthik writes in with a very simple and clever alternative to cutting up your hands on the pointy and stubborn plastic:"